New Composer Features you need to see.

The Hard Road Newsletter

Composer dropped new features.

Lets discuss.

I don’t feel like talking about Jackson Hole.
I’ve got NVDA tinfoil that’s kind of funny.
But the actual fun stuff is new Composer Features.

Quick breakdown of their additions.

  1. We can put groups inside of Sort Functions.

  2. We can put groups inside Inverse Volatility Functions.

  3. The backtesting system is wicked fast.

  4. You can make your symphonies huge now, even bigger than before.

Lets talk about the new features first.

So if you’ve been around the Composer interface for a while, you’ll notice that we’re now able to put symphonies inside of sort and volatility weight functions This opens up a ton of possibilities with regards to balancing the strengths and weaknesses of strategies.

For the purposes of demonstration, I took a bunch of Composer’s trend following strategies along with a couple community creations.

So, anyone who knows me or has talked to me in the Discord knows I’m all about minimizing drawdown. The fastest way to make money is to not lose it, after all. As you can see from the backtest, we’ve successfully managed to beat the drawdown of SPY and a 60/40 portfolio with minimal effort or fitting. Turns out, putting money in things that have been doing well over the last 2 weeks and betting the trend will continue appears to actually work. In the process of building this, I’ve actually convinced myself that you can probably take a basket of any 5-10 strategies that are minimally correlated, weight them by inverse volatility, and come up with something that at least merits testing.

This feature is a genuine game changer for Composer in my eyes.

For reference, here’s what the strategy looks like Equal-weighted

Strategies can also be comically large now!

Seriously, I’m talking incomprehensible size. Good luck ever understanding it if you weren’t the one that made it. Fair warning, I don’t recommend running this under any circumstances.

Seriously, I could read the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy faster than I can parse out that logic tree. But hey, it’ll run with zero issues now! Big shout out to the Composer engineers for finding a way to make being unreasonably large workable!

Quick and easy this week

Drop a comment below, or let me know over in Discord what you want to mash together with these new features!

Oh, wait, $NVDA tin.

Now I’m not gonna bother sourcing these claims, but this isn’t the only accusation of fraud or book-cooking I’ve heard, its just my favorite.

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