Getting back to our Roots.

The Hard Road Newsletter

We finally did it.

We got the coders back together for a “catching up” of sorts. We’re gonna go over some highlights in this edition!

So what have we been working on?

Well, the majority of the work that has gotten done has been managerial in nature. Nothing groundbreaking to report.

  1. The Community Github is up and running.

    Projects, tasks, and repos for tools and data being created over time. DM me over on Discord if you aren’t in it and would like to discuss being added as a contributor!

  2. The Symphony Database is growing!

    We’ll be crossing 1800 symphonies submitted to Discord very soon, work on slowly correlating the “good” parts of these strategies is in discussion. The end goal is obviously an algorithmic money-printer, if such a thing is possible. Who doesn’t want what amounts to free money?

  3. LLM’s have been exploding in the world around us and we want to get in on the action.

    With the advent of things like Falcon 40B being released under the Apache-2 License, the custom training of Local Large Language Models is more accessable to the public than ever. You are fairly limited to pre-existing datasets, as the cost of training a model from scratch is prohibitive to say the least. We’re discussing how we could gather enough info together as cheaply as possible to hack something together, in true Open-Source community fashion.

  4. We’ve gotten new ways to parse data and symphonies. Now we figure out how to leverage it.

    Composer has been on a tear, implementing multiple features related to ChatGPT. including generation of the “code” of a symphony, the ability to edit it, and even a system in which you prompt GPT with what you want the symphony to do and it generates the “code” for you. Add this in with the ability to pull JSON’s through the Command Line, add in a dash of Selenium black magic, and you’ve got a powerful pipeline for getting information in and out of Composer.

So that just about covers what we’ve done.
Whats coming next?

This is the fun part, planning for the future. As of right now, a major goal is trying to get more new members (is that you, dear reader? DM me!) in to the github.

From there, one of the first projects we want to get rolling is the cleanup and re-implementation of the Transpiler. For the uninitiated, a Transpiler is effectively a translator, taking an input from one state and spitting it out in another. In our use case, taking a representation of the symphonies logic and translating it to Python, VectorBT, or something similar. This will allow us much easier paths to analysis of strategies and logic, down to the level of individual branches of a symphony.

And there is our summary!

It was a (relatively) short meeting, but packed with useful information. We’ll be doing our best to schedule these roughly monthly, or as someone makes a major breakthrough they want to share with the class. I’ll be announcing the next one in Discord, as well as the newsletter when more information is confirmed, keep your eyes and ears peeled!

Lets finish off on some quick news-

  1. The VIX Volatility Index closed Friday at a 14 Month low.

    1. Implications are unclear, but it is certainly a notable event signaling either more volatility coming, or a remarkable period of calm considering recent events.

  2. The US Debt Limit Crisis of 2023 has (probably) been averted.

    1. With the passage and signing of a bill cutting spending, increasing the borrowing limit, and yet again kicking the can down the road, the crisis has ben averted. Now, the treasury begins the process of refilling the Treasury General Account, which may have interesting implications for Bill/Bond/Treasury Yields in the coming days and weeks.

  3. Jobs data came in great, interestingly.

    1. Jobs increased more than expected. This is good for those getting the jobs, but adds another data point to the idea that the Fed may not be done hiking rates.

And with that, I sign off for the week.

Come say hi in Discord, and check out the fruits of the coders labor!

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Check out Garen’s in-depth course, or 1 on 1 coaching!


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