Our biggest week in the community so far!

The Hard Road Newsletter

Welcome to another week of wild uncertainty!

We’re coming up on Earnings Season again, and the madness it brings, but I’ve got more personal and pressing news to talk about!

Something tells me this isn’t the reaction most companies will report.

So, i’m going to forego discussion of the various earnings predictions, as big as the coming week will be (potentially), we had an even bigger week this past week in the Discord Community! Not only have we had roughly 100 new members join us (Welcome to those of you reading for the first time!) but we dropped a database, a youtube video guide, a premium newsletter, AND a course on trading AT THE SAME TIME.

Community Database

Raekon and Proteus have poured their hearts and souls in to this website! They built a series of tools that track all symphony links posted in the Discord Server, import them into a database, gather a plethora of stats on them, and present all of this information in a publicly available and easily readable format!

Improving this tool is going to be one of the focuses of the coders in the coming weeks and months, enabling visualization tools (so we can really see the difference between strategies and logic,) as well as cleaning up the user-friendliness of the website overall. If you have thoughts or opinions on this tool, please let me know over in the Discord Server!

1.5 hour Youtube Guide

We’re officially putting more effort behind education with the launch of the first in a series of videos over on Garen’s YouTube channel! In the first video he covers everything from the history of markets to trading and how to build a portfolio effectively, with more to come!

We launched our Premium Newsletter!

I think this is the topic I’m the most proud of! Garen and I are officially launching the paid subscription Premium Newsletter! In the paid newsletter, we are going to be focusing much, much more heavily on in-depth analysis of the top-tier strategies the Community has produced. The free newsletter isn’t going anywhere, and the content won’t be changing (other than maybe plugging new things.)

We build 6 Custom Rebalancers that can function as portfolios on their own, or combined with other things if you want Diversification. The initial newsletter contains 2 strategies, Dreadnaught and Lightning Leverage. The remaining 4 will be launched over the coming weeks and months, with new rebalancers being launched every 6-12 months to allow for proper testing and validation.

Thats it for now, a short newsletter this week.

I know, shorter than usual. The launch took a lot of my time this week so I didn’t have as much to put towards you, and I’m sorry for that. I’ll make up for it next week though, don’t you worry!

Join us for the coming community events! Stop by and introduce yourself!

Please note that the information provided is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be financial advice. The information provided is not a substitute for professional advice and should not be relied upon as such. Always consult a financial advisor before making any financial decisions. Additionally, The Hard Road staff and contributors may have a stake in the Securities, Cryptocurrencies, Platforms, and other assets that are mentioned in this article and others.

I almost forgot to mention the course and coaching!

Check out our in-depth course, or 1 on 1 coaching!


or to participate.