Announcing our Actively Managed Portfolio

The Investors Collaborative Newsletter

Hello again!

This is an exciting one, a long time coming. There’s been a lot going on in the backend as we’ve been prepping for this and building this out.

We’re expanding our premium newsletter offering!

We’ve spent the last year monitoring strategies the community has made, as well as the custom ones we’ve already released, and keeping a close watch on the information that the community has been using to monitor their strategies. Taking all of that information in to account, we decided we could be doing much more with the tools we have to provide value you to, our dear reader.

So, here’s the plan.

  1. Total Return of the portfolio.

  2. New Symphonies added to the portfolio, and why they were added.

  3. Symphonies removed from the portfolio, and why they were removed.

  4. Top 5 and Bottom 5 strategies of the month, and breakdowns of each.

    1. What part of the strategy is activating? We’re still expanding our branch analysis capabilities, so these are relatively general currently. I’ll be working on these to add detail for future reports.

    2. Are the statistics still within historic boundaries of expectation? Put simply, has it broken yet?

    3. QuantStats report of each strategy for the previous month.

    4. A 100,000 foot view of what the general goal of the strategy is supposed to be. If I’ve done an associated deep-dive in our free tier newsletter, I’ll do my best to link it. Additionally, if Garen has a YouTube video pertinent to the strategy, an interview with the creator for example, I’ll embed it in the appropriate section.

We’ve got a grand total of ~95 strategies currently in the tracking pool, with data going as far back as 08/09/2022 and starts as recent as mid October 2023. Now, there have been changes in when Composer executes orders in that time, so there are limits to the absolute accuracy a lot of older data. However, I believe that some data, even if imperfect, is better than total mystery.

So how does something get included in the portfolio?

As of right now, the criteria is very, very loose. The way we see it, we’re currently in the “testing and proofing phase” of Composer, and decentralized algorithmic design in general. Given the extreme experimental status of the platform when we started this process, a large number of these strategies are here purely for science, and proofing out theories that we’ve had at some point or another.

As we go, I will be pointing out strategies that we generally consider stable and ones that are markedly outside of something we’d ever recommend actual investment in to. Not recommendations or certification, but a general sense of how accurately we feel the strategy is sticking to its “plan” so to speak.

We will be adding to this portfolio periodically. We do not currently have a schedule for when, but the number of new strategies we follow will likely be directly correlated to how popular these reports end up being!

More money to invest = more strategies we can track.

Also, the 4 custom strategies from our Genesis Portfolio are going to be included in this report. I’ll provide links to them below the paywall.
As far as other unique strategies, we’ve made improvements to several other community strategies to remove low volume and delisted tickers. I don’t necessarily count these as selling points though, because given enough time and dedication you could completely replicate them.

Now, as a bit of a teaser, here’s the Composer Screenshot with the start dates and current values of everything.

Before we wrap this announcement up;

  • These reports will be a monthly report, on or around the beginning of the month.

  • We’ll be adding strategies to (and removing, eventually) the portfolio over time.

  • It’s never going to be cheaper than it is now.

  • As we develop new analysis tools, we’ll be adding to our offering.

  • Current “Premium” subscribers will be grandfathered in to the new offering, at their current price point, at least for the remaining length of their subscription.

We’re currently in the “finalizing details” phase of the project, what I’ve laid out here is the core of the offering but more details will be coming about how exactly we’re getting this information to you.

If you’ve got any questions about the offering, please DM Jake (Vox Machina) over on Discord!


or to participate.